Unexpected find

Friday: With the westerly winds  set strong for the next few days, I decided to make the most of my time on the mainland by doing a day’s investigation on a remote beach opposite Isle Martin re-nound for collecting litter as it faces due west. The walk in to Dun Canna beach is along the Coigach ‘Postie Path’ which is a fabulously dramatic craggy path which links Strathcanaird to Achiltibuie and for me a chance to view Isle Martin yet another perspective .

Dun Canna Beach  wind blown bag caught inland

About ½ mile from the beach I began to encounter caught plastic objects crates, bags , bottles all being blown along the burn that meets the beach and began to think how beach litter clean ups need to extend above the strand line, to uncover the camouflaged objects.
The beach is extensive over 800m long and from a distance devoid of any massive litter objects. A closer look at the standline and it is strewn with litter, I decide to continue my 10m video documentation and to survey and clean 1metre square of the line – purposefully a less cluttered section.

Dun Canna CU  1 Sq M full  1 sq M  cleaned  collecting litter

The square contained:
28 plastic bottle caps, 67 pieces of net/cord 14 pieces of plastic, 11 pieces of rope, 5 pieces of plastic strap, 1 piece of shrimp box
Collecting the pieces together plus other litter objects I filled my net bag up and prepared to walk back to the van when I turned and caught sight of what I like to think is one of my missing oranges? I wonder if so, from which launch location?

could it be a Littoral Orange

For the origin of the Orange Back Story click here

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