Earth Day

This week I am joining millions of people around the world to mark Earth Day, to demonstrate support and promote the protection of our environment.  I regularly walk the coastal paths of Ross-shire exploring the shorelines and stepping across lichen-covered Torridon Sandstone into the splash zones. Reaching down to familiar rockpools I can photograph the bright green vibrancy of one of the simplest plant forms, a conspicuous seaweed called Ulva intestinalis, also known as Gutweed and Grass Kelp. Its’ tubular fronds hang loosely to rocks and harbour walls but it can detach and continue to grow in floating masses around most of the UK coastline.

I decided to film my walk to the seaweed lined rockpools on the Coigach shoreline, in response to Gala Waterways Group call-out for short films to reflect on the importance of water for well-being. My well-being is constantly enhanced by water and finding life within it. Gala are collecting the films to be shown @galawatergroup. The archived footage will be made into a collective and interactive artwork.  Many more of my aquatic explorations are recorded on Instagram @juliabartonartist please visit and follow.

Ulva intestinalis attached to Torridon sandstone

#waterwalk #waterwalkers #environmentalartist #seaweed #marinealgae #marinelife #islemartinseaweedfestival #knockvologan #knockvologanstudies #cop26action #cop26glasgow #earthday2021

Instagram Tags : @juliabartonartist @greenartlaballiance @artport_mw @artportmakingwaves @knockvologanstudies @invisibleflock @ayerayerproject @translocal @imagobubo @artesumapaz @bcs_tw